nine thousand flowers

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Exiters -- ideas toward an off-this-grid society

For a while I have had the idea of 'the Exiters,' a movement of people united in a general idea of a good society based on less materialism, more idealism, consensus democracy, and more FREE TIME!

My idea was that people like us would over time move into the area between San Francisco and Vancouver BC, and begin to form a better, more democratic society there. (I moved from SoCal to high desert Oregon last year.) But we have to do something more than just live in the same area. UGLY BOY – his characterization, not mine – reasonably wonders what people can do to start forming new, semi-underground/off-the-grid societies (besides or along with moving into MC SOFSERV's commune). Of course one person cannot produce the necessary answers, but here are a couple of ideas for discussion ...

Alternative currencies such as Ithaca dollars / hours

Farmer direct food purchasing (either as an individual or even better thru co-ops)

vegetarian cars!

Try to limit purchases of things that at this point seem necessarily corporate-produced (like stereos or cars) to 'previously-owned' items – turn the detritus of mainstream society into the resources of our Exiter society!
Use homemade soap, cleaner, cheese, candles, clothes, ... whatever we can make or find being made by someone else ...
Advocate for the 20-hour day!
other ideas??


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